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My  S L I C E  O F  L I F E  happened just right now. As I’m typing this sentence. I’m currently in the homework mood, and getting all of my work done. While eating a Hershey’s bar, and drinking tea. I’m jamming out to music while hearing my brother slam my door. I hate siblings. No offense, but they’re a pain to deal with. I’m trying to be productive, trying to get my work done, but I can’t. All because of my oldest brother. Trying to find every way possible to distract me. For example, he just walked into my room saying
“I’m going into my thinking hole.” Which is my closet by the way. To remind you, he’s 20 years old. Sure doesn’t act like it. He’s still in there, how can he keep himself occupied for that long?? Out he goes. This blog post might be trash because I hate slices of life’s, but as long as it’s done by tomorrow I don’t care. Maybe when I see a one on my report card, I’ll regret this. But until then, I don’t! My parents are currently gone going Christmas shopping, and they keep teasing me. Especially my dad. He just keeps sending pictures of stores. I’m like him during the Christmas time, always wanting to know what I got. Thanks to him, every year we open a present early. All because we starts peaking under the tree, then starts peeling off the wrapping paper. I don’t think it’s fair, so I join in. My sister is the real peeker. During this time, is she sees something with her name, she carefully open it, and re-wrap it. Anyway, enough talking about presents. I think I’ll put a end to this trash blog, so.. bye!


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