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   There are many things that I appreciate in life. These are not hand held though. Gratitude is a way of showing thanks. Of course I’m grateful for my family, my parents. They gave me life, they’re the reason I’m writing this blog today. My parents put their best effort forward to get us the things we need. For example, food. One thing some of us take for granted. We don’t realize what we have until it’s gone. They work to make sure I can have a snack when I come home from school, and dinner to eat in the evening. In the family zone, I am thankful for my siblings. Whoa, I never thought I would say that. But I truly do. I’m never lonely, which is kind of a bad thing. But mostly okay... sometimes. Had I been the only child, I would’ve never been able to explore the gas station alone for the first time. Or, to learn how to do my hair correctly. Without my sister, I would’ve never enjoyed my room alone. I always felt like a “big girl” when she would have sleepovers, and I would be included. Without my brothers, I would’ve never been able to have fun and play Nerf Wars. For my grandparents, they taught me how to pick tomatoes correctly without stepping on the other plants. My grandma, always made sure we could eat breakfast in the mornings since my parents were gone. My grandpa, always making sure that we got our haircuts when he thought was best. Aunt s, uncles, cousins. Making sure we had fun on New Years Eve. Now, I never said the fun we had was appropriate. But it sure was worth taking the time for. Thankful for everyone that has made me the person I am today.


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