This is such a hard question! Just kidddinnnggggg. My favorite animal is a giraffe. Why?? Because they’re so tall!! Did you know that a male giraffe is 16-20 feet tall?? If you didn’t well there you go. I love them so much, I was a giraffe for Halloween. They can live for up to 25 years if they’re cared for properly. Their tongue is 21 inches long! Can you believe that?! The colors giraffes have are colors that I would normally think are ugly, but man! Let me tell you they can sure rock the print. Well, in my opinion.
Once, there was a skeleton named, Gerald. Gerald lived in small house with his human family. Many just thought he was a still living skeleton, oh but were they wrong. When the kids would go to school, he would have a blast! Eat all their snacks, play with all their toys. But there was one problem, THE PARENTS. They normally got out of work early. So the party would always end early. And when they got home, the house would be a hugeeee messs! Of course their first conclusion was a burglary. So, they set up cameras around the house. Not only for the kids’ safety, but for the whole family’s safety. But, Gerald didn’t know about the cameras. Uh oh. He went along with his daily routine on the first day the cameras installed. Of course, he left it a mess. The parents came back from work, and checked the cameras. To find Gerald!? Once the parents saw the footage, they were shocked. They went into one of the little boys’ room, where Gerald layed. Stared blankly at him. And placed a camer strai...
Thank you for sharing your post this week! My mom loves giraffes too :) I can tell you put a lot of time and effort into your research and including a link, thank you!