This story has two mixed emotions, funny and scary. On Oktoberfest, my friends and I decided to walk together (they will remain nameless, not trying to throw anyone unda da bus). The day was planned out that we would arrive to one house at 4:45, then we would go to Oktoberfest around 5 ish. So the time came, and we all left to go. This one person lived really close to the train tracks, where Oktoberfest was being held. So it took a short amount of time to get there. And in order to go to the festival, you needed to cross the train tracks, for us it was walking obviously. But one of us had a “smart” idea to walk near the train tracks than normal, like ON the train tracks. Keep in mind we weren’t that smart, I mean we still aren’t. But she had the guts to do it, try guessing who. It was like a show watching her walk on the tracks. “That wasn’t smart” I said. But yet, she felt like a daredevil, meanwhile I felt like I was gonna die. One if us actually has a picture of her on the t...