I’d rather be famous for being a writer. Wanna know why? Because with famous singers, they get less privacy. Always paparazzi around you, antsy fans. NO PRIVACY! But being a famous writer, you’re still known and famous, but you still get a fair amount of privacy and respect. Back to being a famous singer, you post the smallest bit of your location on Snapchat, Instagram, whatever the case is... Right away, paparazzi starts coming, fans start coming. Even though your fans love you or what not, they give you less respect then they would treat a regular, non famous person. So, to repeat, I’d rather be a famous writer.
My favorite country is I r e l a n d believe it or not. Why you may ask. Well, I was born on Saint Patrick’s Day (March 17). So, I’ve just always had an interest in Ireland. Ireland was founded on April 24, 1916. It is also the 19th most popular country, WOW! I feel like Ireland is kind of a underrated country, or island. But to me, it will be my favorite country. Until the 51 state comes, then we will see. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ireland
Good reasoning for your choice. When thinking about this post, I hadn't thought about the privacy aspect of it. I'm glad you did. Thank you for sharing your post this week.