Yesterday, Brianna came over after school and we had an adventure. We were determined to play volleyball, yet we didn’t have the ball. Instead of switching our plan, we decided to go get the volleyball. Which was in her moms car, which was at MacNeal. Therefore, we solved our problem and started to run to the hospital. We’re running faster than the wind is blowing when we decide to STOP. At this moment we were about one block away from the hospital, so we just decided to walk. Brianna and I arrive at our destination which was the hospital, but we weren’t quite where we needed to be. We walked through the hospital where we later on exited with pizza and the prize, car keys. Trying to look for the car, we hear the keys jingling. From far we see a red light flickering, we found the car! Without hesitation we open the car, get the volleyball and go.. back up to the hospital to return the keys. Brianna goes to return the keys while I stay in the lobby. She comes down five minutes later and we're ready to leave again, this time with the ball. Again, ten minutes pass and we’re out of breath at my house.
Once, there was a skeleton named, Gerald. Gerald lived in small house with his human family. Many just thought he was a still living skeleton, oh but were they wrong. When the kids would go to school, he would have a blast! Eat all their snacks, play with all their toys. But there was one problem, THE PARENTS. They normally got out of work early. So the party would always end early. And when they got home, the house would be a hugeeee messs! Of course their first conclusion was a burglary. So, they set up cameras around the house. Not only for the kids’ safety, but for the whole family’s safety. But, Gerald didn’t know about the cameras. Uh oh. He went along with his daily routine on the first day the cameras installed. Of course, he left it a mess. The parents came back from work, and checked the cameras. To find Gerald!? Once the parents saw the footage, they were shocked. They went into one of the little boys’ room, where Gerald layed. Stared blankly at him. And placed a camer strai...
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