There are a number of different ways you can show support more Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School. For example, you can participate in the rally that will be happening tomorrow or you can participate in the dress down that’s happening tomorrow as well. All of the collected money from the dress down will go to MSD. Or instead of walking out, you can walk up! #WhatsYour17! You can say hi to friends or people you rarely acknowledge 17 times, you can high five classmates 17 times. You’re commemorating all of the 17 lives that were lost during the shooting.
My favorite country is I r e l a n d believe it or not. Why you may ask. Well, I was born on Saint Patrick’s Day (March 17). So, I’ve just always had an interest in Ireland. Ireland was founded on April 24, 1916. It is also the 19th most popular country, WOW! I feel like Ireland is kind of a underrated country, or island. But to me, it will be my favorite country. Until the 51 state comes, then we will see.
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