My second quarter goals have already been achieved. My first goal was to go higher for M A P testing. Which I already did. My second goal was to finish seven books or more. That’s really all I can think of being honest. I guess I will make a new one... To complete every blog that is given in ELA! Considering I have to make this blog up, why not. So far I’m doing really well completing my blogs, and being honest... I kind of remembered I didn’t do a blog for the week of Thanksgiving. But I just felt like I needed a break. Sorry Ms. Haury! Whoops. And the blogs in my opinion seem so boring! I never liked blogging, maybe that’ll be another one of my goals for second quarter. Even though its almost over. Who knows, maybe I can show growth/ a change of heart in eight days. In conclusion, my second quarter goals are to complete every blog, and like blogging in general.
My favorite country is I r e l a n d believe it or not. Why you may ask. Well, I was born on Saint Patrick’s Day (March 17). So, I’ve just always had an interest in Ireland. Ireland was founded on April 24, 1916. It is also the 19th most popular country, WOW! I feel like Ireland is kind of a underrated country, or island. But to me, it will be my favorite country. Until the 51 state comes, then we will see.
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