WELCOME to my blog! Umm... this is my blog, obviously. I'm writing for Ms. Haury 6th grade ELA class. I'll be writing whenever I'm forced to. Everyday?? Every week, who knows! There will be many different things that I'll be writing about. Some entertaining some not, but either way, ENJOY! Oh but first, let me tell you about myself. I’m a 11 year old girl living with my parents and three siblings. I like spontaneous adventures and FOOD. Yum! Okay that’s it for now, BYE!
My favorite country is I r e l a n d believe it or not. Why you may ask. Well, I was born on Saint Patrick’s Day (March 17). So, I’ve just always had an interest in Ireland. Ireland was founded on April 24, 1916. It is also the 19th most popular country, WOW! I feel like Ireland is kind of a underrated country, or island. But to me, it will be my favorite country. Until the 51 state comes, then we will see. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ireland
Hi Jenny! I look forward to reading more of your posts throughout the year.